Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Benefit Of Capoeira

I was making some sketches on the benefits of capoeira for a school project when Hattie decided to share the task. She began scribbling on my homework, so I went with it and this is what we turned up. This piece was particularly fun because of the interaction between Hattie and I. If I may direct your attention to the little "P" texture in the bottom left: every time I drew a "P" Hattie would be close behind with the red pen. She followed me and scribbled over all the "P"s that she could.


  1. I like the purple. I like the random squiggles. It requires a lot of mental effort on my part to make anything of meaning out of it. but it is cool because it is always random and always open to whatever my mind wants to do with it. If Hattie had a method to it all, I know I would get bored cuz then I wouldnt be as free to make my own meaning out of her randomness

  2. I like the openness as well. I thought about scribbling over the words at the top along with other parts of the drawing in fear that they'd invoke too many ideas or too much meaning. Then I questioned if the title should have anything to do with how the drawing came about. I decided that even though the words will conjure images and ideas that don't necessarily have anything to do with the drawing, their presence really doesn't compete with the abstractness and openness of the rest. And maybe the words will give something to grasp to a viewer who would otherwise be lost in the drawing's vagueness.
